Thursday, May 17, 2012

Technology-Infused Classroom

Creating a Technology-Infused Classroom

The technology–infused classroom is student-centered and inquiry-based. The teacher changes to the role of facilitator. Students are allowed to follow their interests and select the tools they prefer while collaborating with others to solve problems. The teacher scaffolds learning and ensures that standards are being met. The internet opens a wide array of choices to students which provides them with many choices regarding their own learning. In a technology-infused classroom, lessons also need to be authentic. The teacher must be mindful that technology is a tool and not the objective of the lesson. Technology is used to change how teachers teach and students learn, and to accomplish tasks that otherwise would not have been possible. 

When planning lessons, the teacher must first identify the curriculum standards and the objectives to be met. Next, the teacher must determine meaningful tasks that motivate students. Also, the teacher must select the technology that supports the tasks and becomes an integral part of the lesson. Real world applications of the standards and the technology tools utilized should be integrated into the lesson. Finally, the students work collaboratively to manage projects, set goals, evaluate progress, secure appropriate resources for learning, and much more. 

Currently, I am striving to create a technology-infused environment in my own classroom. My students are allowed to work in groups, with a partner, or alone. They are utilizing cell phones, iPads, iPods, netbooks, laptops, Kindle Fires, and computers to find solutions to problems. They are also using Google Docs, PowerPoint, and MovieMaker to present information to the class. In addition, students are using digital cameras and editing photos with online software to illustrate key mathematical concepts.  I have an established webpage that contains many useful resources for students, assignments, notes, and pictures of students engaged in learning in our classroom. I am beginning to create “flipped” lessons, establishing a classroom social network, and learning more about student-centered inquiry-based learning environments. This is a work in progress, and it will continually change based on my students’ needs and interests and emerging technology. 

Where are you in your journey toward technology-infusion?

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